Oniduro Mi song and the needless attack on Tope Alabi

I just listened to the Oniduro Mi song and I love it.

It resonates with me. God is reliable, unfailing. He’s faithful. He’s not like a man that can abandon me in the time of trouble. “I will never leave you or forsake you,” he promises me. Even when it seems as if the world is going to hell, I can trust God. He’s my dependable guarantor.

From a common sense and logic angle, it’s behoves on God to stand with and stand by his creation. If human brands could do that, how much more my God!

I get it, okay? Okay.

But Tope Alabi said the song doesn’t strike a chord with her. She doesn’t like the song. She believes it cheapens God and wrongfully puts him into competition with mere mortals.

I really don’t care if she said that out of a genuine desire to start a conversation in the Body of Christ or out of spite for the writer and as an attack on what she may deem a rival brand. I don’t care.

What’s all the fuss about? Pastors and churches do this to the competition all the time. The case of TB Joshua is still fresh in memory. They attack one another’s theological frameworks.

There are Christians who believe Jesus Culture and Hillsong were weaves in the wombs of hell. Till tomorrow, JWs think Christianity is a scam. Merely bringing them into this conversation will make some of them shake their heads at the level of my ignorance.

Pentecostals think white garment worshippers are babalawos and mamalawos in disguise. Most PFN churches raise their members to see C&S and CCC girls as demon-possessed. Catholics are idol worshippers, many believe. Anglicans and Baptists follow lifeless doctrines. Yeah, warefa.

I’m not here to validate or dismiss anyone’s world view. If I tell you mine, you go pick race. I’m just saying Tope Alabi should be allowed to critique any song that doesn’t sit right with her, and to do so openly. This idea of throwing things into the “sacred” spaces of “do not touch,” “do not question” gets no one nowhere.

I recall I used to love the line “God of wonders beyond our galaxy…”. I bet you love that song too. Who doesn’t?

I woke up one day and said, “no, God is not beyond our galaxy, he lives in me”. So, I reworked the line into “God of wonders living within my heart” and won’t bring myself into singing the old line again, not even at gunpoint!

Tope Alabi is right to note that God has given us mechanisms to weigh and measure the information we consume and circulate. We’re enjoined to “search all things and hold on to that which is true”. Let Tope Alabi search in peace abeg. It’s in this “searching” that we grow and are transformed and none of us can live above our transformation. We are told to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. If Tope Alabi thinks her transformation transcends Onoduri Mi and the level of Adeyinka Alaseyori’s consciousness, so be it.

The tsunami of disapproval that greeted her comments on the song is no different from the rabid mobbism currently tearing at the fabric of Western civilisation.

Those who openly disagree with Tope Alabi should realise that she also has the right to openly disagree with anything.

And I don’t even like the woman sef.

Rotimi Akinola

Rotimi is a multimedia journalist and editor of The Realm News.

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