Trinity Guy: Viral prankster committed to jail over inappropriate skit with 10-year-old girl

A family court sitting in Iyaganku, Ibadan, on Monday, remanded skit maker Maruf Abdullahi, aka Trinity Guy, in Agodi correctional facility for “sexually exploiting” a 10-year-old girl.

The court also arraigned Isiaka Ahmed, 40, and his wife, Rofiat, 29, who are parents of the victim on two-count charge of conspiracy and sexual abuse and exploitation, same as the skit maker.

The magistrate, Mrs P.O. Adetuyibi, who did not take the defendants’ plea for want of jurisdiction, said that the case file had been filed and duplicated at the Oyo State Ministry of Justice.

Adetuyibi remanded the three defendants in Agodi correctional facility, Ibadan, pending July 11 when the case would come up for mention.

The defence counsel, Oludare Adebayo, had argued that Section 41 empowered the court to hear the matter.

The magistrate said that the case file had been duplicated, adding she could not hear the case until I is withdrawn by the ministry of justice.

Earlier, the prosecution counsel Oluwakemi Arowosaye had told the court that the three defendants conspired to sexually abuse the girl.

Arowosaye said that Trinity Guy, on December 17, 2022, sexually abused and exploited the girl at Kuola area of Ibadan.

“Abdullahi was asking the victim the colour of his penis, recording the scene and posting it on social media,” she said.

According to her, the offences are contrary to Section 35 (1) and punishable under Section 35 (2) of Oyo State Child Right’s Law, 2006.

Arowosaye said that the offences also contravened Section 516 of the Criminal Code Laws of Oyo State, 2000.

The News Agency of Nigeria reports that if the skit maker is found guilty of the offence, he is liable to 15 years imprisonment under the Child Right’s Law, 2006.

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