He’s coming: Alex Ikwechegh says yes to 2023, gives reasons for contesting

Ikwechegh is running for Aba North/South Federal Constituency of the House of Representatives

Remember him? Anyway, he needs no introduction. He is the original Nwa Aba, the youngest elected local government chairman in Aba (Aba North) and the entire state of Abia.

Admirers call him ‘Onye Ocha na Aba’ while close pals call him ‘Ify nefe fe’. For the widows, he is their husband. To the indigents and less privileged, he is the big brother.

Three weeks ago, a sea of heads gathered at his foundation office in Aba carrying placards with inscriptions, “We the Aba residents want you to represent us at the green chambers,” “Alex, come and save our souls,” and “we say yes to Ikwechegh.”

In this emotional-laden video, the billionaire businessman, philanthropist and politician explains the reasons behind his popularity in Aba. He also says an emphatic yes to the call to contest and gives reasons why he accepted the call.

It is mindboggling.

WATCH: Alex Ikwechegh explains why he will run in 2023

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